Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Super sex guide: Beautiful finals
Cosmo many times wrote about the orgasm. Ill-wishers even say that too much. But we consider that this that stands! You believe in it or you do not believe, but orgasm is – everything here. And if it does not go to you, you itself will arrive at it. It is worth only properly wanting.
Generally, picture is added sufficiently wrong, itself judge. Man orgasms practically grow on the trees – approach yes tear away. You to yourself can present two friends after the mug of beer, who do complain one to another about the fact that in them in no way is obtained to end? Well perhaps recently in them this is obtained too rapidly. (in this place we they must, obviously, sympathetically shed a tear.) But in what problem? Why, as soon as the matter it does reach the female orgasm, do appear troubles? World statistics does speak, that about 10% of adult women never were experienced orgasm… A someone it did count, what percentage in no way can test it with its partner? Scientists explain this anywhere not suitable state of affairs by evolution. Allegedly, for the multiplication female orgasm is optional, and it is here without the man – anywhere. But even opinion of authoritative researchers completely not the foundation for considering that orgasm – this generally myth. Nature nevertheless left to us the possibility to amuse itself. It is sufficiently simple to be opened to some ideas and to use the specific technology.
Down imitation!
Practically it is not possible to meet the girl, who neither time, under no circumstances imitated never orgasm. Frequently we enter so like completely opravdanno: in order not to pinch his sense of self-respect in order to add sharpness in the process, even in order for second of the very to believe, that this is a present orgasm. But in any event the imitation of orgasm – this as to lie, looking to man into the eyes. Well or still somewhere.
Normal men sex pleases itself when it and to you is pleasant. They even can surmise, that you imitate, if they know well you and you make this then not frequently. When you develop the convulsions of passion, it turns out that in the process loved is occupied by its matter, and you – some its. If you are distracted from the thought, that to you necessary for the sex to compulsorily several times depict orgasm you will be able to leave habit loudly to sigh and to ponaroshku to shudder in his hands, everything can go to the harmony. Question only in how precisely this to make.
Cease to lie
There are two known methods to cease to imitate orgasm. The first: do not tell it that you do not experience “main” pleasure during the sex with it, simply hint, that you want to try something new, about which recently it read, for example. Try to show partner that precisely you from it want. The second method the same is poluchestnyy and is first. If you deal with sex not then long ago, say that it imitated because it was nervous, it feared to it not to be pleased. Do not only speak this immediately after everything occurred: it will solve, that you criticize it. Find time for the conversation, better when you are close and disposed to each other. Try to begin from “the program statement”: can declare, that honesty – this wonderfully and so is complicated to acknowledge in the fact that you now will say (so you immediately you become heroine). Still add that to you it is simpler than the simple to imitate orgasm from the time in once, but it, your man, it is worthy greater. Propose to it to poeksperimentirovat' together with you, show that it is necessary to make with you so that you would end properly.
Certainly, our super-plan on the realization of your orgasm with the partner in the force only in such a case, when you itself know how to precisely deliver to yourself pleasure. If you do not know, then give let us move the step back.
They will be necessary by you:
1) the sources of sexual fantasy;
2) solitude;
3) there is much free time;
4) lubricant.
In contrast to the man, to whom it is easy to be excited “by the technically” – simple motion of hand, female organism functions, first of all, on the basis of the fact that do you have in the head. You want to obtain an orgasm – make so that in the head there would be sex. Be dismantled with the sources of your sexual excitation. What this? Means of some man? Fantasy (any contents)? Erotic photos of the exposed beauties with the handsome men? Or touching retrokartinki of the beginning of past century? Chatter on the intimate themes in the network? Or simply commonplace porno on DVD? Use the selected source so that it “would bring” you, and further (or in the process) already approach the technical aspect of the matter.
Can make this in the bed, while you can in the tank. Apply lubricant to the fingers (in the tank version with the silicone additive will be necessary by you, so that the lubricant would not wash off under water head). Begin to investigate your clitoris and sheath by fingers. Make so that at first to you it would be as the minimum simply pleasantly. Can poeksperimentirovat' with the water jet from soul, only never direct it with the force inward. Do not expect to end from the very first, simply begin to understand, which pleases itself you, what precisely motions, touch to what points… if you feel miserable, then try to repeat procedure next day or in the daytime later. You will note that with each at once them increasingly more pleasant and more pleasant – and you become nearer to the cherished orgasm. If this procedure enters into the habit, soon you will end from each masturbation. The greater the practice, the better your nervous ends react to the touchs: the now special “orgazmennyy” pulse from the brain will pass along the beaten path. Furthermore, the studied and checked by you methods of masturbation can – and must! – subsequently to be improved.
Its attitude and itself – to itself
If you think about how with what conditions this with you occurs, then you will derive some regularity. Here already, perhaps, it is time to pass to konkretike. Girl Nina at the early age revealed that the more frequent she falls on the bed by stomach downward on the pillows, the more pleasant by her. And it learned from this to experience orgasm. Now, when it adult (now by it 28), during the sex with that loved it always ends precisely so – in the pose face down.
The largest error about the masturbation consists of the following: allegedly, the orgasm, to which we come by our forces, is differed from that, to which us can bring the partner. This not thus! The technology of reaching orgasm does not change that is why, we touch ourselves or someone touches us. So that, if during the masturbation you experience orgasm from the stimulation of clitoris, this means that your partner can bring you to the klitoral'nogo orgasm not a bit not worse you by the very. It only should show altogether, as this to make.
Do not think about the orgasm
Any expert will say to you that “to constantly call” to itself orgasm is useless, it in you will not begin from this (if you, of course, do not possess paranormal'nymi abilities in this sphere). On the whole, not stoy in the orgasm above the soul! Everything will otherwise leave vice versa: if we only and think during the sex: “Well when I will end?!” – generally nothing it will leave. Attempt to be focused on what with you occurs at each specific moment, on those pleasant sensations, which you experience. Here is, for example, girl Sasha, 25 years, each time, when already like it is located on the face of orgasm with the partner, it begins to assure himself, that the orgasm will come to calculation “ten”. And give to conduct counting. It is necessary whether to indicate that in it nothing it is obtained? Although itself with itself it wonderfully ends without any calculation…
Exercises of the point
Yes, yes even again yes! How much once the discussion not turned about the fact that the woman cannot obtain complete pleasure from the sex, so many once all seksologi of peace will tell in her about the notorious exercise of point. These are actually means number one so that your orgasm would become more intensively or generally it appeared. Reduce muscles of sheath as the minimum of 20 times in the day. More easily to reduce “about something”, for example when in you inside vibrator or the penis of partner, even without their participation it is completely possible. “The first ten years of occupations by sex 4 in no way I could end with its men. Once I tried to press its term by the walls of sheath, as a result of these simple efforts I finally ended. It was also pleased to it”, described Olga, 32 years.
Many women note that when they in grow prettier to physical form, by it to much more easily test orgasm. If you is contented by your body, you not will interfere with successful sex by thoughts about the fact that here you is rather thick, in this pose you cannot be placed, because your stomach very winning does not look into the profile. Moreover if we study ourselves sex after the visit of gymnasium, then you will be nearer to “the apex of bliss”, at least because of the rapid circulation of the blood and slightly more frequent palpitation.
Oy, CAME OUT! Obvious- improbable on the personal experience of our readers… |
FACE, 26 YEARS: “Once I flew in the aircraft. It shut eyes and began to represent how we with my young person will be occupied, when I return. The pictures of hot sex were carried before me… and I ended. Itself I do not know, as so it left, 4 itself even it did not touch – simply strongly it compressed feet, and on me there were jeans of stretch snugly fitting”. |
SOFIA, 22 YEARS: “I understood that it fell in love itself with it at first glance. I saw it in the court of its house and focused attention on its hands, strong, beautiful. Once I lay at the bed, it very quietly caressed itself and presented these hands… I suddenly something it was pressed inside me – and I ended. When it recovered breath, it decided to find it and to be introduced, 4 I could not miss this man!” |
KATYA, 30 YEARS: “On Tuesdays and Thursdays I walk into the gymnasium, after trainers I am occupied in the group of aerobiki. Our instructor forced us to carry out exercise “scissors” – lying on the floor, after raising basin and moving the lattice-type feet. And thus it came out that I tested orgasm directly in the occupation. Fortunately, no one noted nothing”. |
You be on top…
When you on top, your clitoris occurs between your pubic bone and partner, and each motion strongly stimulates it (however, you be careful: clitoris is nevertheless very tender creation). In this pose more easily in all “to lead” its own pleasure.
…or from below
When you from below, explain to it that with not necessarily entire weight to squeeze you into the bed (or on what you there usually you are located): if in you there is some freedom of motions, you can as conveniently bend in order to direct the motion of his member to the correct points inside yourself. Try to clench its buttocks by feet and to move its body in the manner that to you it is pleasant. Simultaneously is stimulated clitoris and points in the sheath, which provides dual pleasure. But you nevertheless will be close to each other.
Hand of the aid
The majorities of poses leave clitoris opened for the touchs. If you end from the friction of clitoris, you can boldly stimulate him during the sex. Simultaneous stimulation of sheath and clitoris gives the outstanding mixture of pleasant sensations. It is possible to drop a little lubricant so that the clitoris would not be irritated. Also your partner can, being in you, to simultaneously stimulate the entrance in the sheath by finger – there exactly the most sensitive section.
In the searches for orgasm you can employ practically any means, including sexual toys, will say vibrators or balls. If your young person considers this dishonest with respect to it (such, unfortunately, he occurs), explain that you are concentrated not on what you make, but on what you feel. And you present it always only.
FIRST ORGASM …very often it comes when you in no way await it! |
LARISSA, 28 YEARS: “I always loved sex. But I for the first time tested orgasm only in this year. I understood that entire the fact is, how man you it feels. Apparently, to my husband to me fell inattentive partners. Although nothing supernatural it made – simply it memorized everything which pleases itself and does not please itself me”. |
REGINA, 33 YEARS: “Is once – I afterward ancestral it felt through – the pair of months that it was ready to rape any passing by man. I held in control its impulse, but, after arriving home from the jaunt, simply it were attacked the father of its child. And tested first in my life orgasm. I do not know, where it was earlier”. |
LIGHT, 21 YR: “To me it transported, I tested orgasm during the first sex into 18 years. I was on top. Numerous articles about this were already read by that time “” and I knew that in this pose to more easily dostich' orgasm. In me everything came out, but here young person somehow was lost and did not end. Then I had time!” |
ALLA, 30 YEARS: “4 it began to masturbirovat' even at the early age. 4 then, of course, she did not know that this is called this long word. But already she understood, that I make to itself very pleasantly with the aid of the water jet in the soul. As a result I can test the orgasm only in forty seconds – it intersected”. |
KARINA, 35 YEARS: “For the first time I tested the orgasm, when sufficiently much drank, years into 29. Apparently, 4 too much thought about its vital problems and in order to open head, alcohol was necessary by me. Now everything occurs considerably more easily and, of course, without the aid of alcoholic – 4 to much it nevertheless learned”. |
IRA, 24 YEARS: “I translated the book about the sex. With entire days she wrote about how to dostich' super-orgasm, the fact that itself it never experienced with. But it was there about the exercise of point, and 4 it daily made. 4, of course, it did not learn to compress with the sheath of rod for the food, but tested orgasm. Directly in the operating time”. |
FAITH, 26: “It is impossible to thus far test vaginal orgasm, but my MCH leads me to the the klitoral'nogo by kunnilingusom. But earlier for some reason it not could. I do not know, then it something in the technology changed or “somehow developed” by language my nervous ends, but fact remains fact – in me there is an orgasm!” |
New flash point
Visualize, we now speak not about the famous point G! Was revealed one additional analogous place (by the way, not far from it) – on the front wall of sheath, next to the neck of womb. This point to your partner should be searched for with fingers. In this case it must make “the stroking” motions, as if it shchekochet this place. This region is connected with the pelvic nerve, and orgasm with the stimulation of this point is felt deeper and it is stronger.
With the usual sexual report the stimulation of this zone is especially good for the already rozhavshikh women, since the entrance in the sheath is more flexible and to term more easily to enter at necessary angle.
Do not be recycled
Having at long last understood how to precisely dostich' orgasm, many women very soon begin to survive, that one method to end little, which is boring to end always equally. You do know that? Is better although some orgasm than generally any. But! If you is assured that in you only one method to obtain orgasm – immediately must be said: this not thus. You must not stop on the achievement. Experiment. If you usually end only klitoral'no, and you want to test vaginal orgasm, then when your partner will be inside you, continue to caress clitoris, as we already described. But after a certain time end and be concentrated on the vaginal sensations.
Orgasm… of entire body
You can considerably strengthen effect, after forcing its pleasure “to be missed” on you. There is the Thai procedure, according to which, when you experience orgasm, you can transmit this energy to entire body. During the orgasm by the free hand (or two immediately, if this makes partner) it is necessary to easily press on the stomach or on the back. They speak, this at the same time strengthens organism, increasing immunity.
And remember: for the majority of us the orgasms each at once only are strengthened. The better we recognize our body and our partner, the more we please ourselves ourselves and the more we make possible for ourselves to experience pleasure. If you still not to the time in the life reached orgasm, be stored up by patience. Masturbiruy never imitate. And orgasm compulsorily will arrive at you.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
first time anal sex