MoRU: Smarter Searching for Smarter Searchers
MoRU is an application that provides an enhanced interface to Apple's Spotlight searching tool found in Mac OS X 10.4. MoRU allows you to create more powerful searches than is possible using the basic Spotlight interface, while improving usability. MoRU was designed not just as a searching tool, but as a utility that keeps recently used documents and applications right at your fingertips. All searches in MoRU are automatically sorted according to when each items was most recently modified, opened, or created, which means that items that you have worked on recently will be right at the top of the search results. As files are modified, opened, or created, they bubble to the top of the list, keeping them easily accessible. | |

MoRU has many advantages over the basic Spotlight interface:
Changes between version 1.3 and 1.2:
- Now supports file exclusions by location, type, and name in Smart Groups.
- Now supports operator expressions in filtering and in text attribute constraints.
- A new "Filter by Content" feature.
- Improved file details view.
- "Reveal in Path Finder".
- Integration with SpotMeta.
- Several performance improvements.
- Column and drawer settings are now saved.
- A new Preferences window in which you can specify default searching options.
Changes between version 1.2 and 1.1:
- Added support for "OR" in search constraints.
- Added support for all Spotlight attributes.
- Improved text constraint interface.
- Improved date searching interface.
- Added an "Apply" button to Smart Group editor.
- Added "Quick Searches" that don't require you to define a Smart Group.
- Copious visual/aesthetic improvements.
- Added a "Path" column to the search results table.
- Added a "count" indicator to the Smart Group list.
- Clicking on the MoRU dock icon will now unhide the main window.
- Right clicking in search results table now performs a select.
MoRU v1.3 System Requirements:
- Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
- PowerPC or Intel Mac
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